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Do hair transplants http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=Bethesda Hair Transplant for African American men really work?


Absolutely. Just watch this video of our very happy patient Kenith hair restoration results 12 months later. He is so pleased he can't wait to show off his exceptional hair transplant results with Dr. Huebner at Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic.

As someone who suffered from male pattern baldness, Kenith had a seriously receding hairline and balding crown. Kenith mentions that he is impressed with his results and is very pleased with the procedure, doctors and nurses at Natural Transplants.

Kenith says that his hairline has taken years off of his appearance and he looks even younger than his age now. Kenith mentions that his hair transplant procedure did not hurt at all. He's had such great results he's even trying to get his brother to come into Natural Transplants for his own hair transplant.

Completely recovered from his Norwood stage 4 hair loss, Kenith's hair transplant is excellent and his hair looks better and more natural than ever.

Call now! (844)-327-4247

Men of African-American or Afro-Caribbean descent often ask if a hair transplant will work for them. Hair transplants are extremely effective for men of various ethnicity. We've performed many, many successful hair transplants for men of African and Asian ancestry with extremely positive results.

Here's Kenith's 7 months before and after his hair transplant video. Kenith has a call-in with Dr. Matt Huebner 7 months after his hair transplant surgery to show off his new hairline.


Browse all our hair transplants photos and videos by visiting https://naturaltransplants.com/results/hair-transplant-before-and-after/ see over 1,000 before and after hair transplant videos and photos, learn about hair restoration options, costs for a hair transplant, and financing options.

<style="font-size: 18pt; color: #008000;">What causes male pattern baldness in African-American men?

In the US, a very common cause of male pattern baldness is attributable to genetics. You may be more prone to losing your hair if your family has a history of baldness. Research shows that male pattern baldness is related to male sex hormones called androgens. The androgens serve many functions, including controlling hair growth.

These hormones may cause your hair follicles to start shrinking. As they shrink, vital nutrients simply cannot reach the hair. Unable to be enriched the follicles will slowly die. Every strand of hair on our heads has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, this growth cycle begins to weaken and the hair follicle shrinks, producing shorter and finer strands of hair. Eventually, the growth cycle for each hair ends and no new hair grows in its place.

Unfortunately for many men, it is not just the fate one hair, but many of them on the front (receding hairline), top and/or back of the head.

If going bald has really become unacceptable to you then a hair transplant procedure is a great way to get your hair restored and your confidence renewed.

Click HERE to get to our frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What causes male pattern baldness?

In the US, a very common cause of male pattern baldness is attributable to genetics. You may be more prone to losing your hair if your family has a history of baldness. Research shows that male pattern baldness is related to male sex hormones called androgens. The androgens serve many functions, including controlling hair growth.

These hormones may cause your hair follicles to start shrinking. As they shrink, vital nutrients simply cannot reach the hair. Unable to be enriched the follicles will slowly die. Every strand of hair on our heads has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, this growth cycle begins to weaken and the hair follicle shrinks, producing shorter and finer strands of hair. Eventually, the growth cycle for each hair ends and no new hair grows in its place.

Unfortunately for many men, it is not just the fate one hair, but many of them on the front (receding hairline), top and/or back of the head.

Visit our YOUTUBE Channel to view over 750 hair transplant videos.

If going bald has really become unacceptable to you then a hair transplant procedure is a great way to get your hair restored and your confidence renewed.

There are unique challenges for black men who are losing their hair. At Natural Transplants we find that most men suffering from progressive hair loss are good candidates for hair replacement surgery and like Ernie, will benefit from a hair transplant procedure.

Natural Transplants' surgeons are all licensed medical doctors and are the leading experts in hair transplantation for men of African descent. If you are suffering from a receding hairline and frustrated with losing your hair, then maybe you'd like to learn more about hair transplants specifically for black men. Visithttps://naturaltransplants.com/.

Here's more of our recent patient's hair transplant results photos hair transplant African American before after hair restoration surgery for Black men.

Learn more about Fue Hair Transplant For African American In Florida by calling (844)-327-4247 today.

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic provides hair loss solutions and our surgeons are able to move as many as 12,000 hairs in one hair transplant procedure with our exclusive HUE (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) Method.


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Learn more about Hair Replacement Service for African American Men near McLean Va

Free information about Great Hair Transplant Results for African American Men near McLean Va

If you are looking for a great hair transplant, Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic has a hair transplant surgery facility near you.

Come to Natural Transplants for impressive results. Get up to 300% better results and receive as many as 12,000 hairs, in just one procedure. Our cutting-edge HUE (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) hair restoration technique produces a dramatic improvement for men who are experiencing hair loss or who are balding. The process is nearly painless, the recovery time is minimal and leaves a scar that's practically invisible.

The HUE Method results in higher quality grafts with a higher density than the FUE process. The fact is that the types of grafts used in the HUE Method often have double or triple the amount of hair than the outdated FUE.

Have realistic expectations about hair density after a hair transplant. 

So just how much density should you expect after a hair transplant? A 30%-40% increased density in the transplanted area. A thinner hair type would yield closer to 30%, while thicker or curlier hair would yield closer to 40%.

In areas that already have retained some of your natural hair, adding that 30-40% more density is usually sufficient to satisfy most patients' needs.

What causes female or male pattern baldness? 

In the US, a very common cause of male pattern baldness is attributable to genetics. You may be more prone to losing your hair if your family has a history of baldness. Research shows that male pattern baldness is related to male sex hormones called androgens.

The androgens serve many functions, including controlling hair growth. These hormones may cause your hair follicles to start shrinking. As they shrink, vital nutrients simply cannot reach the hair. Unable to be enriched the follicles will slowly die.

Every strand of hair on our heads has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, this growth cycle begins to weaken and the hair follicle shrinks, producing shorter and finer strands of hair. Eventually, the growth cycle for each hair ends and no new hair grows in its place.

Unfortunately for many men, it is not just the fate one hair, but many of them on the front (receding hairline), top and/or back of the head.While female pattern baldness occurs, much of the hair loss in black women can be attributed to Traction Alopecia. Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss caused by excessive tension and pulling on the roots and strands of hair.

If you regularly wear your hair in tight buns, ponytails, or in braids or cornrows much of the time, those hairstyles put a lot of stress on your follicles.The weight of the hair and the tightness of the hairstyle can literally pull the strands out. This can lead to a hair loss pattern similar to a receding hairline where “peach fuzz” or baldness occurs in the front, corners & edges. Learn more about female hair loss Click Here.

There are other styling choices that may also cause it, such as using devices like hot straightening or curling irons or by the use of harsh chemicals to dye it, curl or straighten your hair. Rest assured that by occasionally dying your hair, perming or using a relaxer probably won’t cause traction alopecia.

But, constant chemical treatments, on a weekly or even more frequent basis, can negatively impact the health of your hair follicles.

If going bald has really become unacceptable to you then a hair transplant procedure is a great way to get your hair restored and your confidence renewed.

We invite you to speak with one of our surgeons and let the doctor know what worries you have about losing your hair, and why you think your hair loss problems have become so severe that you are considering a hair transplant procedure.

Getting a hair transplant at Natural Transplants will result in you having a thicker, fuller, and natural-looking head of hair.

Click HERE to visit our informative website to get free information, see over 1,000 before and after hair transplant videos and photos, learn about hair restoration options, costs for a hair transplant, and financing options.


At Natural Transplants...it's all about you and getting your hair restoration.

Ask Our Hair Transplant Patients 

Go HERE to read over 100 reviews!     Natural Transplants provide the best hair transplant that money can buy and guaranteed that there are no hidden costs, no requirements to purchase products and every patient is treated like a VIP.


Learn about our hair transplant procedures and why they are the most effective ways to transplant hair.

If you live are looking to get a hair transplant visit this site: Hair Transplant today for a frank discussion about hair transplant surgery and schedule your free consultation with one of our hair transplant surgeons.

Cost of Hair Transplant, Natural Transplants Hair Replacement Surgery.

If you are looking to get your hairline restored, you may want to know what the cost of hair transplantation procedures is at our hair replacement centers. So, if going bald has really become unacceptable to you then a hair transplant procedure is a great way to get your hair restored and your confidence renewed.

When you are ready, you can make an appointment for a free hair transplant consultation on the phone, in our offices, or online. When you want a permanent hair loss solution that's guaranteed to change the way you look start by calling 844-327-4247 to consult with one of our hair restoration surgeons.

All We Do is Transplant Hair

Would you like to see real patients result photos of their hair transplantation before and after the hair transplant procedure? Natural Transplants has over 1000 pictures and videos of actual patients results before, during, Bethesda Men's Hair Transplant Cost and after their hair transplant and they can be seen by visiting our informative website:


It is filled with free information with articles, photos, and videos of actual patient reviews, procedures, followup, and much much more. Our hair transplant cost pricing is patient specific but generally ranges from $6,000 to $15,000.  All costs are fully disclosed in advance and will never change. There are no added costs or hidden fees so there will never be any surprises. Do you have any hair transplant questions? Get answers today and speaking with a hair loss specialist.

Hair Transplant Surgery Florida

When you are ready for a permanent hair loss solution call and speak with one of our professionally trained hair transplant specialists today on 844-327-4247.

What are Hair Plugs? Hair plugs are the result of punching out a round section of scalp containing one or more hair follicles. The tool was known as the Punch Graft and the method involved the use of a 4mm diameter punch. Imagine a paper puncher, only much more sophisticated.

In the early days of hair plugs, they were literally plugged as the scalp was also removed in the area where the hairs are to be transplanted to and were placed in the donor area where the hair plugs were initially extracted often resulting in large round scars as the hair plugs will not look like a natural hairline.

This brings us the re-branded version of hair plugs which is called the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, which is basically hair plugs with a different name and a smaller diameter punch. Using smaller diameter punches that still leave round "plug" scars.

How Much Will it Cost to Repair a Bad Hair transplant scar?

At Natural Transplants, we want you to see what it's really like after getting a hair transplant with us. We encourage you to read our many 5 Star Reviews online.

Free information: Visit this website.  There you will see 100's of before and after hair transplant photos, learn about the Norwood Hamilton Scale, and our exclusive HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction Plus)℠ method.

This advanced technique is available to a select number of patients who have moderate to above-average elasticity in their donor areas, allowing for the transplantation of up to 12,000 hairs in a single procedure. See these photos.  If you are interested in a method that leaves a scar that's practically invisible when you cut your hair to just one-quarter of an inch in length, then call us here at Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic.

The technique our hair restoration clinics offer to our patients is vastly superior to clinics offering FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) also known as robotic and laser hair therapy. Simply put, our process allows the transplantation of more hair follicles in one procedure, without leaving 100's of round scars from the donor area caused by the punching out of your hair follicles as an FUE hair Bethesda Best Hair Transplant Surgeons transplant does.

Great Hair Transplant Results  


Free information: We invite you to call 904-416-0514 and schedule your free hair transplant consultation with one of our licensed medical doctors. Let's discover together what solutions are available to solve your hair loss problems ~ permanently.

For directions to our offices click HERE

To learn more about your specific situation, please contact us for a free consultation. Our clinics offer free consultations via Skype, Facetime, or in person. With Natural Transplants HUE Method, our hair surgeons will remove healthy hair from the donor area up to 7.5 squares inches in strips (quite commonly it is the back of the head).

Hair Transplant Procedure

The surgeon’s hair transplant staff will strip the removed scalp into smaller grafts, which each contains a few hairs. The number and type of hair that can be transplanted will depend on several important factors including hair type, elasticity, quality, density, and the size of the donor area from which you’re getting the transplanted hair.

After the grafts have been properly prepared, the area where the hair will go will be cleaned and will receive a local anesthetic to minimize the discomfort and then the supervised staff make slits with a scalpel, and then each graft will be placed in one of the slots.

The entire process can take about 4 to 8 hours.

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration ClinicCall Us at 844-327-4247 or visit our hair transplant surgical facility.

To see hair transplant results after 1-year videos visit our playlist at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDvvkHRnoovfQhdla-MWe1FG9Ie_dC2fP


Watch our YouTube videos with hair transplant videos with Before and After Hair Transplant results. See for your self the kind of results our patients receive when you get a hair transplant from our hair clinics:



You will look and feel better after finally getting the hairline you had back! Natural Hair Transplants specializes in hair restorations for all hair types for men and women alike. In this photo, you can see the results and his hair loss solution is a permanent one. If you would like to know how to get your hair loss problems solved Click HERE. On it, you will find 100's of before and after hair transplant photos showing the results our actual hairline transplant patients, over 725 before and after videos and pertinent information that can help guide you along in your hair restoration journey. We invite you to schedule your free hair transplant consultation.

Schedule your time to speak with a hair transplant surgeon. Call toll-free 844-327-4247 - today. This is guaranteed 100% confidential call with no high pressure sales at all - just good free information including what makes our hair transplant surgery vastly superior to FUE procedures. Here's where to find before and after hair transplant videos, before and after hair transplant photos and of course, how much does a hair transplant cost at our hair clinic.


Edgemoor Hair Transplant Process


Check out Natural Transplants' HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) that can yield up to 6-7 hairs per graft; as many as 12,000 hairs in just one procedure leaving a nearly invisible incision. The most that anyone might see is a "pencil-tip" thin scar with your hair cut to just a 1/2" length.

Take a look at more photos by clicking here: https://naturaltransplants.com/results/hair-transplant-before-and-after/hair-transplant-scar/. If you are ready to take the next step make an appointment for a free hair transplant consultation by calling toll-free 844-327-4247. You and one of our medical doctors can discuss your needs via the phone, in our offices, Skype or FaceTime.

Check out Natural Transplants' HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) that can yield up to 6-7 hairs per graft; as many as 12,000 hairs Bethesda Female Hair Thinning in just one procedure leaving a nearly invisible incision.

Meet Dr. Matt Huebner,Dr. Jaime Rosenzweig, and Dr. Kevin Blumenthal who are full-time medical doctors restoring hair for anyone suffering from hair loss!

Talk With a REAL Hair Transplant Surgeon: Schedule Your Appointment NOW. Call 844-327-4247

Ultimately, it's all about getting a great hair transplant and the maximum amount of healthy hairs moved in a single procedure, creating fabulous results that may take other hair clinics multiple sessions to finally get you the results you want.

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic

Hair Transplant Surgery Facility

6410 Rockledge Drive, Suite 412

Bethesda, Maryland 20817

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic Washington, DC area Hair Transplant Surgical and Consultation Office/strong> Here's driving directions from


Free OnLine Consultation. Speak with a real hair transplant surgeon: Call 844-327-4247

Call NOW 800-372-4247 Click this link >>> Battery Park For Hair Loss <<<


Call NOW 800-372-4247 OR, click this link >>> Hairline Surgery 2020

Hair Loss Centers Near Me


Use these driving directions to our Bethesda Hair Transplant Surgery Center from

Langley Parkhttps://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m28!1m12!1m3!1d49593.17435444604!2d-77.09020053676159!3d39.02504394521427!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m13!3e6!4m5!1s0x89b7c67222422ba9%3A0x17d5c026aff0c94b!2sLangley%20Park%2C%20MD!3m2!1d38.9887213!2d-76.9813647!4m5!1s0x89b7cc76dc6f19b1%3A0x94b4b86fc5b2162d!2sNatural%20Transplants%2C%20Hair%20Restoration%20Clinic%2C%20Rockledge%20Drive%2C%20Bethesda%2C%20MD!3m2!1d39.0239863!2d-77.1336496!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1583356391784!5m2!1sen!2sus

A significant difference between Natural Transplants and other hair restoration clinics - our medical doctors don't recommend or even perform FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction).  Unlike our HUE (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) patients, people that get FUE hair transplants need to know it requires them punching out of your hair follicles leaving 100s of small, circular, and commonly white scars in the donor area. Sadly, the procedure is also limited to moving up to 4,000 hairs.

In contrast, Natural Transplants' HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) yielding up to 6-7 hairs per graft; resulting in as many as 12,000 hairs in just one procedure and a nearly scar-less incision. The most that anyone might be able to see is a faint line and Bethesda Hair Specialist that's with your hair cut to just a 1/2" long.

Don't settle for a just a good hair transplant. Come to our Natural Hair Transplants Clinic and get a Great Hair Transplant.

The cost for a hair transplant in Columbia Forest Causes Of Hair Loss In Women is patient-specific but generally ranges from $6,000 to $15,000.

For a true cost comparison of a hair transplants how can you base a decision on a per graft price unless you know the number of hairs per graft? Which is definitely going to vary by hair clinic. Most people have no idea how many hairs per graft Bethesda Hair Transplant Price doctors and hair restoration clinics are providing when researching costs. Here's an example: In a single hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equals 3,000 hairs. In a double hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equal 6,000 hairs. Here at Natural Transplants' doctors achieve up to 6-7 hairs per graft; with the HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction Plus)℠ methodology our hair restoration specialists can move up to 12,000 hairs in just one procedure, significantly more than hair transplant clinics.

If you are to ready address your hair loss problems with a hair restoration expert and licensed medical doctor, call today and schedule an appointment. It's free, and there's absolutely no obligation.

Free Hair Transplant Consultation with a hair transplant surgeon call 844-327-4247 to schedule yours today! VISIT https://naturaltransplants.com/


The cost for a hair transplant in Kenwood Park Hair Treatment For Hair Loss is patient-specific but generally ranges from $6,000 to $15,000.

For a true cost comparison of a hair transplants how can you base a decision on a per graft price unless you know the number of hairs per graft? Which is definitely going to vary by hair clinic. Most people have no idea how many hairs per graft doctors and hair restoration clinics are providing when researching costs. Here's an example: In a single hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equals 3,000 hairs. In a double hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equal 6,000 hairs. Here at Natural Transplants' doctors achieve up to 6-7 hairs per graft; with the HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction Plus)℠ methodology our hair restoration specialists can move up to 12,000 hairs in just one procedure, significantly more than hair transplant clinics.

If you are to ready address your hair loss problems with a hair restoration expert and licensed medical doctor, call today and schedule an appointment. It's free, and there's absolutely no obligation.

Free Hair Transplant Consultation with a hair transplant surgeon call 844-327-4247 to schedule yours today! VISIT https://naturaltransplants.com/

Look at the results in the photo below. Click on the photo and it will take you direct to our website where you can find over 1,000 before and after photos, videos, interviews and patient reviews!

To learn more about your specific situation, please contact us for a free consultation. Our clinics offer free consultations via Skype, Facetime, or in person.

With Natural Transplants HUE Method, our hair surgeons will remove healthy hair from the donor area up to 7.5 squares inches in strips (quite commonly it is the back of the head).

Hair Transplant Procedure

The surgeon’s hair transplant staff will strip the removed scalp into smaller grafts, that each contains a few hairs. The number and type of hair that can be transplanted will depend on several important factors including hair type, elasticity, quality, density, and the size of the donor area from which you’re getting the transplanted hair.

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic | Call Us at 904-416-0514 or visit our hair transplant surgical facility.

After the grafts have been properly prepared, the area where the hair will go will be cleaned and will receive a local anesthetic to minimize the discomfort and then the supervised staff make slits with a scalpel and then each graft will be placed in one of the slots.

The entire process can take about 4 to 8 hours.

Hair Growth Timeline